George Perry
George Perry
Dean and Professor
Semmes Foundation Endowed Chair in Neurobiology
College of Sciences
University of Texas
United States

Dr. George Perry is dean of the College of Sciences and professor of biology at The University of Texas at San Antonio. He is recognized in the field of Alzheimer's disease research particularly for his work on oxidative stress. George Perry received his bachelor's of arts degree in zoology with high honors from University of California, Santa Barbara. After graduation, he headed to Scripps Institution of Oceanography and obtained his Ph.D. in marine biology in 1979. He then received a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Cell Biology at Baylor College of Medicine. In 1982, Perry joined the faculty of Case Western Reserve University until he moved to UTSA in 2006. He is distinguished as one of the top Alzheimer’s disease researchers with over 900 publications, one of the top 100 most-cited scientists in neuroscience and behavior and one of the top 25 scientists in free radical research.

Perry has been cited over 52,000 times (H=111) and is recognized as an ISI Highly Cited researcher. Perry is editor for numerous journals and is editor-in-chief for the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Microscopy Society of America, Royal Society of Medicine, Royal Society of Chemistry, Society of Biology and the Linnean Society and past-president of the American Association of Neuropathologists. He has been elected member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, Mexican Academy of Sciences and Academy of Sciences Lisbon; Iberoamerican Molecular Biology Organization, Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and won the Distinguished Professional Mentor Award from the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science, Senior Investigator Award from the International College of Geriatric psychoneuropharmacology, Senior Fulbright Fellow and the National Honor Plaque of Panama for exceptional contributions to Neuroscience. George Perry is Chair of the Board of the National Organization of Portuguese Americans.





Mark Kindy
Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology
Medical University of South Carolina
United States
Santosh Kesari
Department of Neurosciences
University of California
United States
Kevin D. Phelan
Associate Professor
Department of Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
United States
Rajendra Badgaiyan
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry
University at Buffalo
United States
Sambit Mohapatra
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
United States
pradip kumar kamat
Research Associate
Department of physiology and biophysics
University of Louisville
United States
Padma Srivastava
Department of neurology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Sidharth Mehan
Sidharth Mehan
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Rajendra Institute of Technology & Sciences
Raymond Cheung
Department of Medicine
Gang Chen
Associate Professor
Department of Neurosurgery&Institute of Neuroscience
Soochow University
Wei-Lin Jin
Associate Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Gamal Hassan El-Sokkary
Department of Zoology
Assiut University
Sefa Bulut
Associate Professor
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance
Abant Izzet Baysal University