Eminent Editorial Board Members
Journal of Anesthesia and Therapeutics (JAT) is a peer reviewed worldwide inter-disciplinary journal fascinating the scholars to contribute their innovative works in the various sectors of Analgesics, Pain Medicine, current research in clinical Anesthesia, its drugs etc.
JAT publishes the articles which are genuine in the form of, reviews, research articles, opinions, short communications, case reports and editorial. It acts like a stage of information for the audience and readers across the globe to access freely.
Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies in Egypt
Municipal solid waste is mainly produced from residential and commercial sources, and this waste increases with increasing
human consumption. Municipal solid waste causes negative effects on air, water, and soil, especially when disposed of by
High Vaccine Hesitancy during the COVID-19 Emergency Campaign on the Tourist Island of Marajó, Amazon Region of Brazil
Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) is a respiratory infection that can progress to severe conditions and death. Objective: To verify the profile of
anti-COVID- 19...
The Role of Nanotechnology in Rolling Mills: From Billets to Finishing Products
This research analysis examines the process of rolling mills in converting billets into finishing products, such as wire rods
and flat sheets, with a specific focus on the impact of nanotechnology. The study highlights significant advancements in ma...
A Comprehensive Research Analysis of Ajaokuta Steel Company: Roadmap for Success through Nanotechnology and Anti-Corruption Measures
The Ajaokuta Steel Company, located in Nigeria, is a significant industrial project aimed at transforming the nation's steel
production capabilities. Established with the vision of fostering economic independence and reducing reliance on imported
Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Cervical Lymphatic Malformations: A Retrospective Study
Objectives: To investigate the imaging findings and diagnostic points of cervical lymphatic malformations on CT plain and
contrast-enhanced CT....
Neuroprotective Effect of Chlorogenic Acid on Glyphosate Base Roundup Inducing Cognitive and Memory Impairment in Rats by Enhancing the Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Functions
Industrialization contributes to an elevation in environmental contamination, with industrial air, commercial pollutants,
and combustion of organic chemicals posing numerous health risks. Exposure to organic chemicals causes acute and chronic toxici...