Scholarena Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SAJNN) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal which covers wide aspects in the study of Nanotechnology Research. Its research is focused on academic, medical and industrial applications.
SAJNN aims to publish latest research articles and serve the scientific community by exploring the ideas of the scientific researchers at the same time strive to publish quality articles, it plays a key role in exposure of reviewed articles through online for free and openly available to researchers worldwide.
Nanotechnology in Medicine: A Comprehensive Review of Current Applications and Future Potential
Nanotechnology is a fascinating field that influences various areas of science, engineering, and pharmacy. One reason it is so captivating is because of nanomaterials, which are incredibly small and have a large surface area. These materials have
Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy characterization of MnTPyP-PMMA composite thin films
e substantial-good electron π-conjugation observed in all-metalloorganic complexes and porphyrin derivatives are
suitable as potential third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) materials application. e central metal ion conguration renders
these comp...
Mitogenome Sequence of the Curved Back Grasshopper Arcyptera meridionalis and the Classification Status of its Related Subfamilies
The complete mitogenome of the curved back grasshopper Arcyptera (Pararcyptera) meridionalis was determined. The complete mitogenome is 15,621 bp in length with A+T content 75.23%. All 37 genes are conserved in the position observed in
that of other...
Effects of the Incorporation of Cocoa Shell Meal Associated or not with Dried Brewers' Grains in the Feed as a Substitute for Wheat Bran on the Growth Performance of Piglets (Sus scrofa domesticus)
The increase in feed costs in pig production in recent years has led breeders to increasingly turn to unconventional resources. In order to better exploit cocoa shell powder associated or not with dried brewery spent grain, studies were carried
out ...
Pneumocephalus as a Rare Complication of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery; A Case Report and Literature Review
Introduction: Surgery on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) deformity has known complications thoroughly debated in
the literature. All around the world, there may be a few spine surgeons who have heard about "pneumocephalus" as a postoperative c...
Eligibility of Post- Consumer Plastic Waste Recycling
Concept of recycling implies converting waste materials into new products, thereby reducing consumption of primary raw
posal methods appears to be constructed during the time when European development strategy was still focusing on fast economic gro...
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